

My journey to connect with purpose and passion.

The Gold is in the List

Building my email list has felt a lot like trying to turn lemons into avocados.


To say I really enjoyed Dave Conrey's latest book, The Gold is in the List, would be an understatement of the highest order. I devoured it and wanted more. 

So much of the list building literature is from people who have lists in the hundreds of thousands. Let's be honest. If these people walk into their bathroom to take a shit, people join their list. They are in a different place than those of us who are trying to get over that first hundred hurdle, or that first thousand.

So I was so happy to read a book that had practical and real advice for people just starting their lists or in their first year or two of building it. And I was even more excited to interview Dave about some of the things we can all take away and put into practice.

What next step will you take away and put into action in regards to your list building efforts? Or what questions do you still have? Comment below and let me know!

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